Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Week two, in pictures

Here's my second week, post-surgery, in photographic form.

On Day 9, I went for lymph drainage massage.
This is a very gentle massage that helps reduce swelling.
I saw an immediate difference.
It was like the puffiness was melting away.
I wish I'd have started these treatments the day after surgery.

I was not a happy camper on Day 10. Can you tell?
I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.
I just crashed. My whole body hurt and I felt really depressed.
I thought the surgery was just catching up to me.
That, or I was losing it.
I later found out that they give you steroids during the surgery and these get you all wired for about a week, and then you crash and go through withdrawal.
Glad to know I'm not going crazy after all.

By Day 12, the swelling and bruising was almost gone.
I'm starting to look like my usual cute self!

Two weeks after the surgery and there's no more bruising.
A bit of swelling remains, but I'm the only one who can see it.

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